27 May 2015

The Power of your Mind, the motor of your Life

"Most of the people take the limits of their vision to the limits of the world. A few do not" Arthur Schopenhauer

Our present life is a consequence of our past acts but is not necessarily a statement of our future. We all have the power to shape our life by the actions we can take on a daily basis in our present. But how that can happen?

Change is a constant, we all grow daily physically and mentally; knowledge is accumulated in our mind collected from every good and bad experience that we have. This experience can be used in our favor if we pay attention to what we can do with this newly acquired knowledge. 

Our mind is a source of ideas, created by inspiration, comparison or simple logic.  This ideas are only ideas if we don't have the self believe to make then happen, and when we take control of "the making", then we can affect the present moment by creating the small steps to the future change and achievement. 

Let's take for example our health. To be healthy is not purely down to luck,accepting that somethings are out of our hands. However, in accordance withe basis of asian medicine, we all can work on preventing health diseases by taking actions today to avoid future problems.  Exercising, eating well, keeping the mind calm may sound like cliches or a very easy way to think, but when we train our body and mind, we are taking care of our future. With every healthy day that we make, we are creating a better future for our being. If we don't eat properly we are not building a solid health base of our future. So then the daily actions are creating and sharing a brighter tomorrow. 

We can talk about other examples like work, personal relationships or happiness, any of these aspects of life are all affected by today's actions. If we create the best environment around us adding great feelings, positive ideas and actions, we can start shaping the results we are looking for. 

Our mind is a powerful achiever. If we think and act negatively, the results will not match our dreams. If we don't believe in what we are doing, if we don't love or completely get involved in what we are doing, we will not be able to achieve great results, because our mind  will not create the right determination upon concrete actions.  

Take for example a sportsman participating in a hight demanding sport. Despite that all the participants have the same skills, knowledge and abilities, only the mental power will define the winner. Only those with the right mental determination will be able to compete at their best. Only the ones who will be able to adapt to the conditions of the game or race will be able to achieve their goal.  Only those prepared to win will win.

We are all sportsman in the same sport: Life; and our most important skill should be our mind and it's power to achieve actions. Because we can all dream and dream about our future, but those prepared to take steps and actions are the ones who will cross the line of achievements. 

We want to leave you with three important points that will help you to focus the power of your mind in tune to your dreams: 

1) Visualize your Dream:  Our mind works better when it can read our dreams, so place your dreams on paper, write what you want and how you think you can achieve it. Visualize the steps and the short term actions. If you want to climb a mountain start training yourself, knowing everything about that mountain and visualizing your climbing success. Small steps will make the climb easier and more achievable. 

2) Stay in the Present Moment: To stay in the present is crucial for the achievement of your dreams. If you expend all of your time in the past or in the future, you will never be able to complete the necessary actions toward your dreams. Training your mind with Mindfulness or Meditation practices can help you to stay and enjoy each moment, allowing you to use all available knowledge you can collect in your daily observations. When we are completely focused in our present, we are able to build the steps to reaching our goals.

3) Believe in yourself: Knowing who you are, where you are in your life and where you want to be is very important for any goal achievement. Its not valid to keep saying to yourself " I don't know who I am".  We may never be able to completely understand the total of our mind, but we need to take a step forward and  and believe in the person we want to be. 
We create our being and our future by our own actions, habits, ideas and beliefs.

From this base we can look forwards and start writing our future, don't wait until the moment comes to you, create it from the bases of your own believe, of your own dreams  but more importantly of your own actions and the power of your mind. Believe in you :) 

Created by D.Oballos / Huellas de Luz Blog

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